Openingsfilm: PussyCake + VF The Pussy with an Uzi
PussyCake + VF The Pussy with an Uzi (2)
Opening BUTFF2022 (presentation & film)
Officiële opening van het BUTFF2022
20:00u een performance van Swagemakers & Swarth
20:15u speeches wethouder Cultuur van de gemeente Breda Marieke de Nobel en de Festival directie (Alex Diehl & Dorien Eggink)
20:30u film vertoning Pussycake

The struggling all girl rock band, PUSSYCAKE, kicks off a new tour in the hopes that it will be the spark they need to resurrect their careers. Things don't start off well, however, as they show up to their first gig to find the place deserted. The band soon discovers that being forgotten by their fans is the least of their problems, as they catch the attention of horrors from beyond our reality. With reverence for many of the eighties classics we love, Pablo Parés' PUSSYCAKE promises monsters, inter-dimensional journeys, kickass music and of course, lots of gore and screaming rock-chicks! From the director of SOY TOXICO, screened in 2018 at BUTFF.