Program item reference
Dawn breaks behind the Eyes (1)
Film screening
Ticket Code
Dawn breaks behind the Eyes (2)
Film screening
Ticket Code

Film description
Dawn Breaks Behind the Eyes tells the story of a disruptive couple in a '60s gothic setting. Margot (Luisa Taraz) has inherited a castle, which is visited by her husband Dieter (played superbly by Frederik von Lüttichau). The first half skillfully delivers a psychodrama of this toxic relationship, amid the surreal castle where space and time seem to have their own rules. This summary does not even describe a small fraction of the sensation this film brings about: visual ecstasy, confusion and disorientation, but also a captivating experience you will not be able to recapitulate. A nightmarish fever dream shot on 35 mm by someone that has watched many giallos and euro-horrors.