Performance duo op zaterdagmiddag tussen 16.00 u en 17.00 u. Midden op het festivalplein!
Occasianally Grossi and Jansen have been working on duo performances, while meeting internationally. There mutual work deals with polarity between male and female energies/sinergies and switching between these sinergies/energies
Fausto Grossi was born in Arce, Italy in 1954. He is licensed as a sculptor in the A.A.B.B. of Frosinione, Italy and the U.P.V. of Lejona, Basque Country, Spain. Since 1992 he lives and develops his artistic activity in Bilbao.
He is a multidisciplinary artist in the field of poetry, performance, sculpture, culinary art and Graphic Design. As cultural manager he organizing various cultural activities, symposia and roundtables. As mail artist, he has work in several international anthologies of visual poetry.
Jolanda Jansen (NL) graduated from the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague (2005) followed by post graduate studies at the Dutch Art Institute in Enschede (2007). She is a multidisciplinary artist in the field of performance art, installation and video art. She has also been a cultural manager organizing various cultural activities, symposia and festival. She is part of the international female performance art collective Out of Site. .
Zaterdag 31 augustus middagtijdslot tussen 16.00 u en 17.00 u