
On Friday at BUT Film Festival 2025 ‘Prikkeldraad’ (‘barbed wire’ in Dutch), a local Breda-based dark and prickly metal organisation, were invited to host the annual Metal Friday. Here's an impression!

Crying Jesus
What is this Jesus fellow crying about?! Let’s find out!

Established in 2023, Gutslasher is a death metal band emerging from the depths of Amsterdam. Drawing inspiration from bands like Skeletal Remains, Cannibal Corpse, and Obituary, Gutslasher revives the heavy-hitting old-school death metal sound that will leave the audience with sore necks the next day.

Gore Force V
Formed in 2007, GOREFORCE V is a Belgian death metal band with a grindcore edge. They've played more shows than they can count, consistently blending death metal with a grind twist and infusing their songs and performances with a generous dose of humour.